For waterproofing of facade designs, with structural glazing’s, in the areas of joint seams and transom mount hood.


Butyl caoutchouc tape Plastilent LM L (double metallized film). The tape is applied onto joint under pressures of profile (bar). Tape width determined by the width of the gib that was used to apply pressure, which is typically about 45-50 mm in width.



During installation of window designs onto the walls fences is  in accordance with GOST 30971-2002 "Stitches assembly joints of window units to wall openings".


From inside:

Tape LM oak (reinforced nonwoven fabric with two mounting joints on both sides of the tape), tape LM NP (reinforced nonwoven fabric, over the entire width), tape LM L (reinforced metallized film).


From the outside:

Tape LM dif "breathable" (reinforced nonwoven fabric with two strips of adhesive sealant).